Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Key Safe Guards once you Buy a Home

When you buy a home, there will be many tasks to accomplish, from changing your address and having the utilities shut off at your old residence to cleaning and unpacking at your new home.

Do not to overlook these important tasks to help ensure the safety of the home and family.

1. “Immediately have the locks changed. You never know how many contractors, neighbors, or maintenance providers possess copies of the keys. Although these people may be trustworthy, your keys could get into the wrong hands.

2. Change the codes on security systems and garage door openers. Similar to choosing a password for your computer, make sure your codes aren’t easy to guess: don’t use your house number as the code for your garage.

3. Replace the batteries on the smoke alarms. Buy one fire extinguisher for each level of the house and garage.

4. Make sure the house numbers are at least 6-inches tall. They should be clearly visible from the street to help emergency vehicles spot your house should the need ever arise.”

Thanks Brian Ripp for the article.

My experience and professionalism does NOT end once you close on your home. I want your experience to be a lifetime of good memories. Looking forward to doing business with you.

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