Friday, August 27, 2010

5 Questions for a First Time Home Buyer

Are you a first time home buyer who is anxious to get out the door to start looking for houses?

STOP, put down the car keys, and think about the process before you begin your search.

“How prepared are you for the trip you are planning to take? The five questions below are provided to help you map your course before you start your engine.

1. Have you really determined what type of house you want? Most people have a vague idea, but are not really sure. A good exercise to help you determine your ‘must haves’ and your ‘wants’ is to list out all of the things you think will make you happy in your new home. Put your ‘must haves’ and your ‘wants’ in separate columns.

For the full article click the link: 5 Questions for a First Time Home Buyer